Cargus - Contact Center Magazine

Urgent Cargus

  • Name IT Solution & Business
  • Delivery Time: 07 Day
  • Client : Jeanette Kingston
  • Skills : Web - Developer
  • Price: $10-$99
  • Support: 24/7


Urgent Cargus este una dintre cele mai mari companii de pe piața de curierat intern din România. Este convingerea noastra ca o companie de curierat trebuie sa ofere solutii complete si inteligente de logistica, cu solutii IT personalizate si experiente unice cu interactiune ale clientilor cu compania. Livrarea unei expedieri in 24 ore sau chiar mai putin nu mai reprezinta un element de diferentiere, acest serviciu fiind oferit de toate companiile mari si devenind un standard minim al industriei de curierat. Urgent Cargus se diferentiaza prin oferirea celei mai bune experiente clientilor, iar acest lucru inseamna mult mai mult decat o simpla livrare. In urma cu trei ani pentru Urgent Cargus a inceput un nou capitol, in momentul Cargus si Urgent curier, doi dintre competitorii cei mai mari din curierat, si-au unit fortele. Cele doua companii au adus peste 25 ani de experienta in piata, strategii de business valoroase, dar si o experienta profesionala a doua echipe puternice.

Desfasurandu-si activitatea intr-o piata ce a cunoscut o crestere spectaculoasa in ultimii ani, Urgent Cargus este dedicata valorilor companiei si unei misiuni ce ii caracterizeaza activitatea: “Urgent Cargus tine Romania conectata de 25 ani!”

Urgent Cargus deține și utilizează o rețea națională de 74  depozite , 65 centre de expedieri Urgent Cargus Ship & Go și o flotă de peste 2.600 de vehicule de curierat. Urgent Cargus are peste 2.900 de angajați si colaboratori și a avut vânzări cumulate de peste 76,8 milioane de euro în 2015. Departamentul Customer Service Urgent Cargus beneficiaza de o expertiza de peste 20 ani si are un efectiv de peste 300 angajati Customer Service. Mai multe informații despre serviciile Urgent Cargus, sunt disponibile pe site-ul oficial

Urgent Cargus is one of the largest companies on the Romanian courier market. It is our strong belief that a courier company must deliver a complete smart logistics solution, with customized IT solutions and customer care services. Having a package delivered in 24 hours or less is no longer a differentiator, all the big companies do it and it has become a minimum industry standard. Urgent Cargus looks to differentiate by providing the best customer experience on the market and it takes much more than a simple delivery to do that. For Urgent Cargus a new chapter started three years ago, the moment when Cargus and Urgent Courier, two of the most competitive players on the market, joined forces. The two companies brought together more than 25 years of experience on the market, valuable business visions and a strong human touch.

Acting on a market with a spectacular development in the past years, Urgent Cargus believes in a strong commitment to the business value and to a mission that defines its activity “Urgent Cargus keeps Romania connected for 25 years!”

Urgent Cargus owns and uses a national network of 74 depots, 65 Urgent Cargus Ship & Go offices and a fleet of more than 2600 vehicles. Urgent Cargus has more than 2900 employees and partners and had a turnover of over 76,8 million EUR in 2015. The Customer Service Department of Urgent Cargus benefits from more than 20 years of experience and has over 300 Customer Services experts. More information is available on the official website



Str Atomistilor nr 99-115
Magurele, Ilfov 077125


Str 11 Iunie nr 14
Bucuresti, Sector 4 040172

TEL Bucuresti 021 9330  Provincie 021 9282



Anda Bucsan
Customer Service Director
TEL: 021 9330